Hawick in Bloom volunteers are responsible for planting all the planters from the Station Bridge and right along our High Street. Planting takes place both Summer and Winter around May/June and October times. We have introduced some sustainable planting over the last year, along with bedding plants to add colour.

In conjunction with the local shopkeepers and businesses on our High Street, we reintroduced hanging baskets to add further colour. These have been a great success and it is hoped to continue forward with that in future years. Planting of hanging baskets are over the summer months.

Hawick Community Council wishes to give grateful thanks to the following Hawick in Bloom volunteers:

Anna Beattie Susan MacKenzie
Alex Bell Katy McNairn
Helen Boles Vanda Mercer
Kenny & Lorna Douglas Gillian Neish
John & Margaret Hogg George Patterson
Sylvia King Heather Richardson  
Janet Leggate Jill & Peter Seaton  
Duncan MacDougall Maureen Toogood  

War Memorial
Peter Barker and Keith Douglas